pretty sure the more fedoras, the better

Well, work schmerk.  On day 4 of an 8 days in a row work streak.  I forgot how tiring this full time working thing can be.  Well, not tiring as much as boring.  Plus this building dries me out like beef jerky.  My contacts pop off my eyes, my lips chap, and my hands crack.  I usually go home with a massive headache.  Pleasant.

I keep failing at this preparing ahead of time thing.  I stumble around in the dark for 15 minutes trying to find work attire, end up shoving hardboiled eggs in my mouth as I head out the door, and forget pump parts at home.  This is stuff I can prepare the night before, but I’m usually too tired (lazy) to do it.

Sunday I ran 5.1 miles with intentions of running another 2 at night.  Instead I fell asleep on the couch with Red.  Monday I was able to run a whole 8 miles in the morning.  E slept late.  I even showered before she woke up.  This morning was total opposite.  She woke up about 10 minutes into my run.  She wasn’t hungry but she did have a dirty diaper so I changed her and ran about 20 more minutes when she did get hungry.  Fed her and she fell asleep, so I finally got back on and finished my run at 6.25 miles.  This was all before 7 a.m. so you can guess what ungodly hour I woke up.  Plus I am still waking up in the middle of the night to pump.  I am working on weaning off of that.  Pumped 14 minutes, then 13, I will do 12 tonight.  Geesh, I could write a book on exclusive pumping.

I think tomorrow will be a rest day, so hopefully I can get better sleep than I have been.  Only 3 more days til the freakin weekend and hopefully, some Christmas fun