Monthly Archives: May 2015


So after a depressing few weeks, I am feeling a little bit better about running.  I took three full days off in a row last week in the midst of moving and ended up feeling a lot better.  So I have been slowly running again, no GPS or anything.  I am kind of afraid to use one to see how slow I have to go.  I have to go slow because I am still stiff in that general area and because I am afraid of reinjuring myself.  I used up all my K tape awhile ago, so I plan on picking up some more to see if that can help with injury prevention.  So my dreams of running fast this summer to make up for last summer during pregnancy is just not happening.  But I am running and I still hope to be able to marathon train.  I may do a 4 day a week program because cross training has actually been really fun and good for me.  I feel strong and I finally have my abs back.  I credit my standing workstation with that as well.  My posture has improved a ton.

I ran on Sunday for 25 minutes.  Did an out and back with a couple of rolling hills that didn’t feel great on my leg.  It really stiffens up.  Monday I just did pilates.  Burned me pretty bad.  Tuesday I did a 32 minute run.  I had digestive issues, ahem, diarrhea, so that was bugging me more than my leg.  I ran an out and back towards the next town north and didn’t realize there was a strong wind from the south until I turned around.  Also there are some territorial red wing black birds that swoop at me.  I enjoy running on that path, but the birds scare me and the openness means it is always windy.

Wednesday I started out not feeling real good but I guess my leg just needed to warm up because after a bit it was fine.  I went to the track to run the bleachers.  Ran them 5 times and then back home for a total of 36 minutes.  This morning I did a 30 minute strength DVD with some lady- last name Coffey.  It was pretty good.  Then I did Tracy Anderson arms to really burn myself out.  Tomorrow I hope to do 40 minutes of running.  Not sure about Saturday.  We will see how tomorrow goes.  I will be a little behind on marathon training, but I just really want to make sure I am better before I dive into that.

My treadmill is in the garage an inaccessible in our new house.  So I can’t really do my usual speed work or run when it’s storming out.  Maybe we can organize some stuff this week and figure out somewhere to put it so I can run…in the garage.  We are living in my parent’s basement until they move out, so I can’t put the treadmill in the rec room because that is where everyone sleeps.  They aren’t closing until June 30th.  It’s been tight, but mostly the 5 dogs thing is annoying.  Love my dogs but man, I am tripping over them all and Hen does not like V.

go to helvetica

I finally had an enjoyable run this morning.  I had to go slow.  But it wasn’t as slow as it felt.  I think my average pace was like 8:15.  It frustrates me that I can’t go faster, but oh well.  My leg locked up a bit on hills too.  I was off on Sunday and then ran 5, 5.5., and 6.3.  Took yesterday off and felt really frustrated because that 6.3 mile run wasn’t very fun.  I continued doing a bit of foam rolling, arnica gel, and k taping.  I tried k-taping my glutes as well as my hamstring and maybe that is what finally worked for me.  Knock on wood.

I am not signing up for the half on Sunday.  I would probably reinjure myself and I want to feel good while running and have some strong shorter races this summer.  Also, it is supposed to storm.  I don’t want to say that I WANT it to storm so I have another excuse not to run it.  But that would be convenient.

Plan for tomorrow is a long run.  Longer than 8 at least.  Gotta give it more time before I can do speed work again.  I want to be fast.